Peaksite kohe joone alla tõmbama ja sätestama, et Austraalias on eraldi William Hilli kasiino sait William Hill Casino Club. Samas artiklis tuleb juttu online kasiinost William Hill, mis on osa samanimelisest suurest portaalist William Hill. William Hilli portaalist leiate selliseid rubriike nagu pokker, spordiüritustele panustamine, Las Vegase simulaatorid, finantsturgudel mängimisele pühendatud rubriik, William Hilli kasiinode ülevaated ja tegelikult ka veebikasiino ise. Paar sõna tuleks öelda William Hilli mineviku kohta. Selle juured ulatuvad eelmise sajandi algusesse, mil Suurbritannias keelati hasartmängud. Neil aastatel asutas William Hill, olles nutikas ärimees, endanimelise ettevõtte. Tänaseks on ettevõte laienenud mitte ainult linnast, kus William Hill kauples, vaid tegutseb kogu maailmas. Ettevõtte nimi seostub mitmel pool maailmas tugevalt spordiennustuse ja hasartmängumaailmaga, mistõttu võib mängijate jaoks William Hilli kaubamärgist peagi saada tõeline hasartmängude sünonüüm. Ent piisavalt ajalugu ja filosoofiat, pöördume tagasi meie portaali juurde. William Hilli live-kasiino keskendub mänguarendustööstuse liidritele ja pakub kuulsa Playtechi ettevõtte tarkvara. Mängude valik ja nende kvaliteet ei jäta ükskõikseks ühtegi mängijat. Samal ajal pole mängude kvaliteet kaugeltki ainus tegur, mida online-hasartmängude fännid hindavad. Tõepoolest, William Hilli kasiino ausus on ülimalt tähtis. Et anda kasutajatele kindlustunne mängu tulemuse õigluses, kaasab William Hill mängu kontrollimiseks välise ettevõtte. Tulemuste ausust ja õiglust jälgib sõltumatu audiitorfirma Gaming Laboratories International (GLI).
Ohutus ja töökindlus
Oleme korduvalt öelnud, et William Hill on üks valdkonna liidreid, mistõttu ei tohiks olla üllatav, et nad kasutavad finantstehingute ja serveriühenduse tagamiseks parimaid tavasid. Te ei pea muretsema veebis edastatava teabe pärast, sest see on krüpteeritud SSL-protokolli abil. Kui rääkida turvalisusest laiemalt, siis tuleb tunnistada, et see ei ole ainult online kasiino vastutus, vaid ka mängijad ise peavad hoolitsema parooli õige valiku ja säilitamise eest. Teine teoreetiline oht kasutajale on veebikasiino ise. Võib-olla piisaks mänguritele ühest suurest nimest, kuid William Hill pakub aususe kontrollimiseks tavalisi GLI aruandeid. Pärast aruannetega tutvumist näete ise, et online kasiino kasutab juhuslike arvude generaatorit, mistõttu puudub seos varasemate ja järgnevate panuste vahel.
Mängijad võivad nõuda üsna huvitavaid boonuseid
William Hill Casino ametlik sait pakub mängijatele meeldivat boonusprogrammi koos William Hilli kasiino boonuskoodiga. Värskelt registreeritud mängijatele pakutakse nende esimesel sissemaksel mitmeid erinevaid boonuseid. Esiteks, kui olete valinud veebikasiino veebiliidese, võite oma konto esimesel sissemaksel arvestada 100% boonusega, kuid mitte rohkem kui 300 dollariga ja teisel korral on boonus 75%. ja see ei tohi ületada $ 100. Teiseks pakub kampaania teatud huvi mängijatele, kes on just registreerunud ja valinud online-kasiino allalaaditava versiooni. Sel juhul saavad mängijad loota 150% boonusele, mis võib ulatuda 350 dollarini. Lisaks nendele boonustele pakub kasiino ka lojaalsuspunkte koguda, kaasavõetud sõbra eest boonust saada ja ka eliidiga liituda hasartmängusõprade klubi – VIP-mängijate klubi. Kui sulle meeldib väga kõrgelt mängida, annab kasiino sulle hea meelega erilise boonuse. You can get more detailed information about all the bonuses and offers of William Hill online casino on the casino website.
Interesting games, beautiful design
You can choose the interface of the William Hill online casino in Russian, as well as any other of the many available languages. Russian-speaking users will not be deprived, because the entire site is sufficiently high-quality localized in our native language. There is not much to say about the interface itself, and the only thing that comes to mind is that it is quite standard and easy to use. You can easily understand the navigation on the site, and you will also not experience any irritation from overly bright colors or from the abundance of obtrusive promotions. The site of the william hill casino portal looks pretty calm and overall pleasant. In the online casino section, you will find many useful functions and information. In addition to the list of games, there is information about jackpots that are currently being played in the casino, promotions held in the casino, how to start playing and many other additional information. Depending on the preferences of the player, he can play a quick game in the casino directly from the browser using the online version of the casino, as well as download and install the software on his personal computer. Downloading the software will hardly take you more than a couple of minutes. As soon as the software is loaded, you will need to go through the registration procedure, and after just another minute or two you can already plunge into the world of gambling. The lobby of the downloadable version looks a little more modest, here you will find a menu with fewer sections. However, everything you need for a comfortable game will be at your fingertips, and you will not experience any inconvenience. Regardless of the interface, whether it is a browser-based casino or a version running on your personal computer, William Hill online casino is ready to provide you with a variety of different games that will satisfy the taste of all gambling lovers. Players can play all the most popular types of games, but the real highlight of this online casino is the opportunity to play with real dealers, of course, games with a progressive jackpot have not been ignored here. The first game we chose was a slot called Azteca. The graphics in the game are not bad, but they cannot be called perfect. Unfortunately for us, there are flaws in the interface, and they spoil the impression of the game somewhat. However, the game has a fairly well-thought-out storyline, even if the subject matter of the plot itself is not original. The main character of the game is a charming brunette who goes in search of the treasures of the ancient Aztec tribe. If you love old computer games or sometimes watch films based on them, then the storyline will remind you of the story of Lara Croft. The game has a wild symbol and a scatter that triggers 12 free games with x3 odds. The game also has a bonus mini-game that opens on a separate screen. You can get into this mini-game after at least three symbols with the image of the head of a golden idol appear, which can be located on any payline. The bonus game is designed as a cave full of golden statues of ancient gods, and this is where you have to play the side game. You will need to choose those statues that you like more for any reason, and your choice will determine the amount of the win. If you are lucky enough to find the symbol of the Temple of the Sun, then you will go to the next level of the game and to another screen. Here you have to choose the amount of the additional coefficient, by which your previous winnings will be multiplied. As a result, the game is good enough, but you should not expect anything supernatural from it: it does not have any original functions, it does not reach the level of the most modern graphics.
William Hill casino withdrawals
William Hill Casino offers a fairly extensive selection of payment systems with which you can make deposits and withdrawals of your winnings. Players can use the real classic of payments – bank transfer, as well as send funds from their Visa or MasterCard bank cards. If you prefer to work with modern electronic payment systems, then the online casino can offer an extensive list of electronic wallets. Despite the abundance of payment methods and the respectability of the casino, the request for withdrawal of winnings still takes some time to process. According to the site’s assurances, it is processed no longer than one day. However, remember that after processing the funds will only be sent, and when they end up in your e-wallet or bank account, it depends on the promptness of the selected payment method. Like any other online casino, William Hill will allow you to cancel your withdrawal request before it has been processed.
Game selection
First of all, it is worth mentioning the live dealer games. It is a live dealer that will allow gambling lovers to fully experience the whole atmosphere of gambling, which is unmistakably felt in any casino. By choosing a game with a live dealer you are one step closer to a real casino, and you can more fully experience the atmosphere of a real casino right in your own home. The online casino offers you to play various games: roulette, blackjack, baccarat and poker. I would especially like to emphasize the unique offer from William Hill for Russian-speaking gamblers – you can play roulette with a dealer who speaks Russian, our native language. If you are not attracted by a live dealer, then of course, you will have the opportunity to play almost any board game in the already familiar online interface. You can choose from many types of roulette and dice games. Finally, one cannot fail to mention the huge selection of different video poker games: “from jack and higher”, “aces and pictures”, poker with jokers and wild cards, as well as other variations of the extremely popular game.
Mobile gambling
Despite the fact that many people prefer to gamble with maximum comfort, there is an audience favorable to mobile gambling. This requires william hill casino download. The specificity of mobile devices imposes some restrictions on the interface and puts forward serious requirements for gambling developers. William Hill casino mobile would not be the industry leader if it weren’t for that challenge. Fans of mobile gambling will by no means william hill casino login be disappointed either by the site that looks great on all mobile devices, or by the available william hill casino app. Applications are available only for two main platforms – for iOS and Android, while users of Windows Phones and other exotic mobile platforms can only be content with the web version.